World Soccer players registration periods

The World Soccer Transfer market calendar
The World Soccer players registration periods calendar Dates are entered in TMS by each member association.  The changes to upcoming registration periods are highlighted in red. TBC (to be confirmed) refers to those situations where a member association has informed FIFA that registration period dates would be amended and would be notified at a later stage.

Male (M) / Female(F) refers to the registration periods for professional male and female competitions respectively. Amateur(A) refers to the registration periods for competitions in which only amateur players (both male and female) participate. For more information on the rules governing the season and registration period dates, please consult article 6and article 5.1 of Annexe 3of the Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players, as well as questions 18 to26of the COVID-19 Football Regulatory Issues (FAQs and new matters).

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Transfer Window Calendar_MFA_S_v2_20220124″]